The day started with us awakening to the smell of fresh coffee, as our room was right
over the Cafe...with only a half hour to spare, we headed down to breakfast...which was wonderful. I had 3 helpings,
and at least 4 cups of coffee to wake breakfast, we recieved a note stating:
"We plan to gather together in a fit of boundless revelry at the place where our forefather, the acholic elf king Werdna
Keirreh gathered to preserve his magical bloated liver"
At about 1:00pm we headed over to the grand tent, where we found Bob K & Jack awaiting us all to preview tracks
from the upcoming Revolution Hall Live CD. It was said hopefully a fall release is planned!
Aren't they the cutest???
Matt's just a chick magnet!
At 3pm, Bob K. rustled up all the fans to join him on the "Alcoholic Elves Teasure Hunt" search of the bloated liver
all the fans actually followed Bob K. ( also known as Elrond in Elf circles) around the grounds of the Full Moon, in the rain!
where at stops there was CD's, and buttons with cool lyrics on them,( thanks Sirckus) and our last stop before the search was over was two very full
tubs of beer and assorted drinks, handed out by Mike & Henry, owners of The Full Moon, the band wanted to buy all the fans a beer. A toast to the best fans in the world! Thank you AOD!
Surely felt this was the end of our hunt! A cool frosty beverage is a great prize for a bunch of alcoholic elves!...but NO!!

Bob K. led us to an old barn, where inside stood the band swatting bugs as they awaited our arrival....
we watched as Bob K. smiled wildly and began to shut the doors on us!
We all screamed in panic, let us go, but we were truly under the spell of King Wernda's Keirreh!!..

Jack and Vegas stood guard in the loft, just in case....
Reid proclaimed: The bloated liver is safely buried beneath my feet!
They began playing a riff of Dueling Banjos...( see movie Deliverance for you youngin's)
Carolyn whispered to Matt...I've seen this kinda thing in Texas before...don't be afraid..
Raise The Roof Beam's High!!!
Mudspring Draw (accordin),Avenue Of The Giants (flute),Up On Cripple Creek (accordin),Crest of My Wing (flute), Comes a Time ( accordin)
It was told to us, that Andy was a direct descendant of the King himself!

Close up of King Keirreh's powers in Nate's flute...( thanks Bill)
In the end, they did let us go...but the spell was cast...A fantastic BBQ followed later in the day, as we all ate drank and primed our livers for the evenings activities!
This is where the tale gets really interesting!...stay tuned...